I enjoy questions from fellow Logos users because they’re usually very practical and geared toward specific needs. Here’s a case in point:
I’ve recently discovered Passage Analysis [is] comprised of five separate tools. While I think I’ll use them all, I especially like Compare Pericopes. Is there a way to have Passage Analysis always open to this feature?
It’s a great question because it highlights a set of tools that probably doesn’t get enough press coverage. When you have time, make sure to open Passage Analysis from the Tools menu and explore all five features.
For now I’ll answer the question at hand.
First of all, Passage Analysis (by default) opens to the last used tool. For example, if we open Passage Analysis, select Morph River, close the panel, and then reopen it, Passage Analysis opens with Morph River already selected.
Our friend, however, wants Passage Analysis to open to Compare Pericopes regardless of the last-used feature. One way to accomplish this is creating a shortcut.
Give this a try:
- Open Passage Analysis from the Tools menu (A)
- Select Compare Pericopes (B)
- Drag the Passage Analysis tab (C) to the Shortcuts bar (D)
- Select Morph River (E)
- Close Passage Analysis
- Click the new shortcut icon (F) to open Passage Analysis right to Compare Pericopes (G) even though Morph River was used last
Had we opened Passage Analysis from the Tools menu it would have opened to Morph River because that was the last used feature. The personal shortcut, however, “remembers” the specific feature we wanted!
For detailed video training about Passage Analysis please consider a subscription to MPSeminars.com.