How to Open Multiple Bibles on a Second Monitor

Today’s post is from Morris Proctor, certified and authorized trainer for Logos Bible Software. Morris, who has trained thousands of Logos users at his two-day Camp Logos seminars, provides many training materials.

I was recently emailed this question:

I study with a secondary monitor. I’d like to open on that screen a window containing several Bibles all linked together. How do I accomplish that?

This is an excellent question, with the answer utilizing several helpful Logos features. If you use multiple monitors with Logos, give the following steps a try.

First, open multiple Bibles in the same tile in the main Logos window:

  • Type ESV in the command box (A)


  • Press the Enter key, which opens that Bible
  • Type NASB in the command box (B)


  • Press the Enter key
  • Notice that the Bibles are probably in two separate tiles (C)


  • Drag one Bible’s tab next to the other so they are both in the same tile (D)


  • Open any additional Bibles you’d like
  • Makes sure all of your Bibles are in the same tile by dragging their tabs and placing them next to other Bible tabs (E)

Next, place all Bibles in a floating window on the second monitor:

  • Right click any Bible tab (F)
  • Select Open all in a floating window (G)


  • Notice all of the Bibles are now in a window separate from the main Logos window (H)


  • Drag the floating window onto the second monitor

Now, place the Bibles in separate tiles in the floating window:

  • Click and hold a Bible tab in the floating window
  • Drag in and around the window noticing a blue highlighted area (I)


  • Let go of the mouse, and the Bible will be placed in a tile where the blue highlight appeared (J)


  • Repeat the above steps for the remaining Bible tabs so that all the Bibles are in separate tiles (K)

Finally, link the Bible panels:

  • Chose the panel menu on a Bible (L)
  • Select Link set: A (M)


  • Repeat the above steps for the other Bibles so they are all linked to set A (N)


  • Type a reference like Matthew 6:33 in one of the reference boxes (O)


  • Press the Enter key and notice that all of the Bibles move to that verse (P)


As you can probably tell, using a second monitor enlarges your desktop for Bible study. Having your Bibles on another monitor allows you to use the main Logos window for guides, tools, searches, and other resources. You can also link the Bibles to a guide in the main window and the Bibles will follow that guide (or vice versa).

For added power, make sure to save this arrangement as a layout so you don’t have to recreate it in the future.

For more Logos training, be sure to check out the new Logos 6 Training Manual: Volumes 1 and 2.

And for live, hands-on training, be sure to register for an upcoming Camp Logos live training seminar, including events in Columbus, Georgia and Louisville, Kentucky.

Written by
Morris Proctor

Morris Proctor (1961–2023) was a certified trainer for Logos Bible Software and founder of MP Seminars. Morris trained thousands of Logos users at his two-day Camp Logos seminars, and his team continues to provide many training materials.

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Written by Morris Proctor