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How Did God Create the World? Explore 6 Answers from Christian Scholars.

ryan grewell

The belief that God created the world is foundational for Christians. However, the exact nature of God’s work in creation is debated. In TH331 Perspectives on Creation: Six Views on Its Meaning and Significance, six leading Old Testament scholars present the distinct features and biblical bases of their particular views:

  • Joseph A. Pipa Jr.—Six-Day Creation
  • Mark D. Futato—Literary Framework
  • C. John Collins—Analogical Days View
  • Tremper Longman III—Evolutionary Creationism
  • John H. Walton—Identity Accounts
  • James B. Jordan—Creation by Faith



As they unpack the meaning and significance of the creation account, these scholars discuss topics like hermeneutics, the genre of Genesis 1, the nature of the days in the creation week, ancient Near Eastern backgrounds and ancient cosmology, the relationship between the Bible and science, and the theological implications these various views have for the believer. This course will provide you with a better understanding of the different positions Christians hold regarding creation and will equip you to be able to explain the different issues involved in Genesis 1–2.


Explore the views of creation with TH331 Perspectives on Creation: Six Views on Its Meaning and Significance. Pre-order today and save $60.

Written by
Liz Melton
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 x Written by Liz Melton