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Exploring the Intersection of Archaeology and Theology

Dr. Craig Evans discusses the intersection between archaeology and theology (0:10), and get a Faithlife Proclaim tip on exporting and sharing slides (3:30).

Study archaeology with Craig Evans

In Archaeology and the New Testament, Dr. Craig Evans describes the world of Jesus and the early Church based on archeology. He draws connections between archaeological finds and relevant Scripture passages and theological issues. Evans discusses how archaeology sheds light on the synagogues of Israel, literacy of the time, Pilate and Caiaphas, and burial traditions. You’ll come away with a picture of Galilean culture in the first half of the first century AD, learn about traditional Jewish burial practices, and examine archaeological evidence that refutes popular theories that Jesus survived the crucifixion, did not rise from the dead, and was married and fathered children.

Get Archaeology and the New Testament now.

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