Scapegoats and Sin Offerings


Many reading plans stall at (or at least take a detour around) Leviticus. Forging through instruction on sacrifices, clean and unclean foods, and purity laws can be overwhelming for the modern reader.

In the Sept–Oct ’13 issue of Bible Study Magazine, you’ll find powerful articles that will help you wade through Leviticus’ bloody sacrifices and odd laws to find new meaning that applies to contemporary life. Our writers take on topics like scapegoats, sin offerings, and why rock badger wasn’t on the list of “clean” animals.

In addition to this special section, here’s what the Sept–Oct ’13 issue offers:

  • A cover story featuring Chip Ingram: In “Religion vs. Relationship,” Chip Ingram, senior pastor of Silicon Valley’s Venture Christian Church and president of Living on the Edge, discusses what the Bible says about discipleship. According to Ingram, “The goal isn’t that people know everything about the Bible; it’s that they apply what they learned . . . This is true spirituality. This is becoming a disciple of Christ.”
  • Helping the Hidden: In our feature story, John Ashmen, president of the Association of Gospel Rescue Missions, discusses both the plight and the hope of the homeless population. “Many homeless people need a life change before they need an address change,” said Ashmen. “That change comes from understanding who they are and how Christ in their life can make a difference.”
  • In-depth, ongoing Bible studies: Miles Custis’ latest eight-week Bible study delves into Paul’s letter to the Ephesians. Learn to be bolder in sharing your faith and reflect on how you’ve experienced Christ’s eternal love with this powerful study guide.

You’ll also get the latest book reviews, devotionals, and more! Subscribe today to get the Sept–Oct ’13 issue of Bible Study Magazine!

Written by
Rebecca Van Noord

Rebecca Van Noord is the former editor of Bible Study Magazine. She resides in Bellingham, Washington, with her husband and three children.

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Written by Rebecca Van Noord